Welcome to Oakdale Baptist Church

A Church For your Entire Family.

Oakdale is a church for the entire family. Come visit this Sunday and join us in loving Jesus, loving people and asking God to use us to change the world. If you are looking for a church to be part of or if you are just wondering what church is all about...come this Sunday at 11am and be our guest. Where do you park? What do you wear? Click the I AM NEW HERE title above for more details. 

  • CLICK HERE | Complete Listing of Times

    10:00 am: Sunday School
    11:00 am: Worship Service

     Evening Services Details

  • Click here to find out the latest going on at Oakdale Baptist Church. From Man Night, Woman Night, Kid's Events, Youth Events and everything in between, make sure you stop by. 

  • Discipleship is a big deal with Oakdale.  This is accomplished in many ways including through Sunday School. We have every classes for all generations that meet at 10:00am on Sunday morning.  If you are interested in speaking with the teacher of a class, feel free to give us a call at the office so that you will know exactly where you will go on Sunday morning when you park. 

  • Missed last Sunday? Going on vacation? Click here to listen to past sermons or watch the message on Facebook Live.

  • OAkdale Text Thread

    To be added to the Oakdale General Information Text Thread, text Oakdale to 833-668-6286.